Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sunset lemon-drops.

The big screens, the plastic-made dreams,
say you don't want it,
say you don't want it.
-One Night Only, 'Say You Don't Want It'

30th August: BIRTHDAY.

WITH THE CLASS. Hilarie + I in awkward 'squat down for the short people behind' positions.
p.s, huge banana explained later.

HILARIE. Her birthday is today! She's a year older but a day younger than me! :D

THE BALLS. who bought me the banana. and they're awesome. but the two immediately on my left didn't follow the orders of the one on my extreme left to wrap the banana cos' they insisted transparent foil + transparent bag = wrapping.
I had to carry it home. alone. while they had STAR. then we had ramen. yay.

THE LESS THAN HALF CLASSMATES. Three on my picture right are the awesome PW mates.



remember the first day when you thought making new friends would be hard or you wouldn't fit in?
foolish thought.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Only when you're lonely.

28/08 AS WELL.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Oh, oh, here we go again.

here we go again
we're sick like animals
we play pretend
you're just a cannibal
and i'm afraid i won't get out alive
no i won't sleep tonight

Saturday, August 21, 2010

For The First Time

Great song.
13th September: Science & Faith.

p.s, chickenpox sucks. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Men of Snow.

I feel horrible but
thank god for ingrid michaelson.

things to do:

finish 2200 pages worth of literary guide
study for lit essay test
get well,

I'm a mist of pessimist.


"It wasn't that I forgot Hanna. But at a certain point the memory of her stopped accompanying me wherever I went. She stayed behind, the way a city stays behind as a train pulls out of the station. It's there, somewhere behind you, and you could go back and make sure of it. But why should you?"
- The Reader, Bernard Schlink. 


p.s, Australia won many swimming medals yesterday. I was there continually arguing with Joanna who would win. And the Aussies rocked. :D

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sarah 1

Sarah 1

'Sarah! hey! where're you going?'

he catches her pell-mell and strides quickly towards her. She ignores him still when he calls her name again. Wanting her to stop, he grabs her elbow, only to have it shaken off. But it does work as she is suddenly stilled, mid-step.

'I'm sorry... I -- I just wanted you to stop.'

he sees tears streaming down her face but the silence between them holds.

'Dean, tell me something,' casually wiping her tears.


'have you... have you ever thought of what's out there?'

'out there?' he replies, puzzled by her question.

'yeah. out there. beyond these walls.'

'i -- i don't know. nothing?' he said, knowing it was a stupid answer, 'why?'

she sniggers and looks at him. the first time they make such serious eye contact. he is immediately embarrassed seeing her swollen eyes but does not look away.

'nothing. just curious, that's all.'

she hugs him and kisses him on the cheek, then walks away. he is left rooted to the ground, startled by her sudden action.



Pictures from forever:

p.s, need to get Bruno Mars' album.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Nothing scarier than reality

'stop being like this will you!'

'stop being what? YOU need to stop. YOU need to stop living in this -- this lie you've conjured! this LIE you've led everyone to believe in!'

'what are you talking about? this 'lie' is what keeps everyone going. this 'lie' is why we're still fighting. this 'LIE' is why we're all still here!'

'you're wrong. this, this world you've made. it's impossible to break. in here, in this... this shell you've made, it's suffocating. there's no longer any room for new boundaries. there's no longer any room for life. there's no longer any room for HAPPINESS.'

'then leave! leave for all i care! let them take you. let them do whatever they want to you. but don't expect me to bring your body back.'

'FINE, if you want me to leave, i'll leave.'

She throws his arms away and grabs the already-prepared knapsack off her bed. She stops at the door and voices her departure.

'you know what? Landon wouldn't have wanted this. he knew when it was time. when it was time to wake up. you... you're just living in self-deceit. and you're pulling everyone down into this nightmare you've somehow managed to disguise as eden. but between the cracks, from the outer blood-stained walls, when that all comes crashing down, you'll realize there's nothing scarier than reality.'



National day was fun, :D