Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I had to write something inspired by 'Secrets':


she was the best thing that's ever happened to me.

we may not have been the best couple, or the one with the strongest bond. hell, we probably weren't that in love as any other couple. but if it were one thing that we both truly had, it was how real and genuine our feelings were for one another.

we always fought, and in good faith. it made us stronger. fuck, that's cliche. but honestly, it did. we never met with any common ground to begin with. we probably didn't even know of each other's existence till our eyes met.

maybe that's why our love was so real. our impressions of one another were never bolstered, never tainted by the words of others. We just... met. And maybe that's what got us through all the shit we've been in. That... and having one another.

It's been a year and two days since she died. And it's also been two years since we met, two years since we fell in love. I haven't forgotten her, and I don't think I ever will. After all, she changed my life. And I'm not talking about how she made me less egocentric or short-tempered. I'm talking about how she changed my view towards life. Before we met, I was this -- utterly depressed soul who lived life as though time never existed. I never appreciated what I have, never thought about why I was alive and all the other stuff one associates a depressed individual with.

But she came and pulled me out... might have saved me from myself. I would have probably flung myself off a building no sooner she came.

Here's a secret we both shared. Sometimes we'd sit ear pressed to one another's ear, hand placed on each other's chest. We believed we could 'tune' into each other's heart this way -- listening and feeling.

She was amazing.






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