this post it written over the course of the week lest i forget the events that happened.
Monday began with school. i think i did fairly well for Economics, so that's a yay. lemon passion fruit tea with ethel & jo after school while we prepared anne's present, which is awesome.
Tuesday to Wednesday. crap. totally scored shit for my GP essay but my compre saved me, i suppose. Geography was great so that's a yay. cathartic conversation with Mich over lemon passionfruit tea (it's my new favourite drink that isn't even sinful). addicted to many of the new songs from Tulip.
Thursday to Friday. had to finish prepping for Anne's birthday gift. Dominos was awesome but that's because i'm a bread person and their cinnamon sugar bread is to die for. Friday was Anne's surprise. i haven't got around to asking her if she knew, even though it was pretty obvious. Food (Ajisen) & Summer Heights High w/ Larry, Kae & then late Tulip before Drama Nite began, which was great. i think all schools (except one) were really good performances but i didn't really get my school's because, well, i've never read McBeth. Dinner with the same peeps after that sans Larry plus Sarah and i finally told them.
Saturday (Today) was pretty fun. Breakfast at Airport and Sentosa's Beach for a sort-of-suntanning with Fats. i wanna shed this ugly gingko-nut coloured tone of mine right now and i don't know how to make it sound any better so i'll just state it the most direct way possible, which is superficially; clothes would match anyone with either a nice tan or nice paleness. the latter is clearly impossible or rarely possible given my (our) asian blood. so... tan. well, photos!
we look rambunctious. hell yeah...
i have 4 essays for lit, more geog homework and an econs project to finish next week. better get started.
thoughts from nowhere: it strikes me how stupid it is to be 17. i don't have any justification for what i'm saying but i feel that it is way, way cooler to be 16 or 18 or 21. nobody in the world cares for 17. when you're 16, you're perceived to be younger and can pretty much get away with things for the most part, kind of like there're no expectations on how you should you behave (i hate this word. it's very submissive). when you're 18 people stop giving you shit because you're assumed to be responsible for your actions when you fail. and then there's 21 where you can be charged for anything. there's that. when you're 17, it's like you're stuck somewhere in between an adolescent and an adult. you can't do anything imprudent without facing scrutiny because technically, you're still young and supposedly 16. you also can't expect life to be placed in front of you because you're expected to search for it yourself, being 18.
being a 17 year old is tough.
i'm still so hooked onto this song. his Falling (unplugged version) emanates melancholy. and Britney Spear's video for Till the World Ends is good. i feel old knowing who she is.
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