hey, it's 7pm right now and i have like 4 hours before i will so very happily go to bed because i'm on the verge of an anxiety attack for reasons i find incredibly stupid and irrational yet uncontrollably harrowing. humans suck. anxiety is something i am not a fan of. depression and melancholy, i welcome. but not this.
so to ease my anxiety, which apparently, neither counting to ten helps (in any way possible. seriously, it just makes you sound OCD) nor the thiamin from tea does (though it does offer slight respite the lifespan as long as it takes for you to finish the tea), i suppose the only thing that'll quell this inane emotion that is eating me from the inside is to blog.
*** it is 10am right now and nothing has changed and i'm still ready to be the first one to run out of a burning building though the anxiety has curbed a little. funny how things that happen in your head never gets to play out and show its awesomeness. fuck you, murphy and your stupid, unsubstantiated 'law' which i will call 'theory'. oh, the stuff below are stuff i failed to post yesternight. yeah.
1. http://thoughtcatalog.com/2011/things-to-get-used-to-in-new-york-city/
this article rocks, like really. it's about New York.
1. Hype can be very misleading in New York
2. In New York, almost anyone will talk to you, regardless of social capital or class. Everyone exists and doesn't exist at the same time.
3. People don't give a shit about history, politics, current events etc. no one in this city has time to worry about the big picture - they're trying to survive, dammit!
4. There is no counter-culture. No one is rebelling against anything. But what this means is that no one pretends that art, literature and music have any other function than commerce.
New York sounds like a pretty good place to be in.
2. http://thoughtcatalog.com/2010/how-to-be-my-boyfriend/
this is probably the most entertaining, self-satirical article i have ever read. all of his other articles are equally humorous. i'm always jealous of writers who can structure their work when mine is just a series of collapsible mess.
3. Winnie the Pooh trailer:
well, this. i wouldn't (and refused) to watch Kung Fu Panda but i would actually watch this. i think it's just the draw of the song they used. still, A.A Milne's is freaking good at writing clincher lines, like this:
“If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.”
i guess that's pretty much it. of course there's the Harry Potter and the final trailer and everything but i've already watched it 8 times (in 1080p) and yeah. freaking amazing. NOW I'M GONNA GO EXERCISE AND HOPEFULLY EXCRETE ALL OF THIS DISGUSTING ANXIETY. OKAYBYE.
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