Sunday, November 27, 2011

post A's.

HI. A's are finally over and like a liberated sex slave we partied at Kaede's house later that evening. We had potluck and i made (bought and brought) nuggets. i thought mine was the best food in comparison to Dewi's mom's amazing amazing pasta, Tul's mom's awesome awesome pasta salad (it was so good even without the pasta), Larry's mom's potato-mushroom-chicken dish, Sarah's chicken wings, Farisha's godly brownies (THEY TASTE LIKE THEY HAVE WEED IN THEM), Liyana's mom's caramel bread pudding, and Kaede's dad's soup (that also worked as a shabu-shabu base). Mine was the best because i actually made it myself compared to everyone else -- okay sarah made hers too luh, probably from scratch rather than a frozen-ass packaging. oh, and Vas brought drinks.

Anyway, EVERYONE was late except Tuls, Fari, and I.

and then we watched a 3D movie but people with glasses get bad migraines pretty quickly so we changed it to boring-2D. Monster House.

and this is what Kaede can see everyday if she stays with her dad permanently. amazing no? you can actually see MBS from her apartment.

some of the food. look at that awesome salad with sundried tomatoes, apple cubes, tomatoes, pasta, edamame, and other stuff. and look at that late of chicken above, it used to be a whole chicken but masterchef-me with my nimble wrists and kaede's dad's creepily overly sharp knives turned it into individual pieces. 

we karaoke-d a lot. and i reached home around 1-ish. everything was awesome.
okay, i'm lazy to elaborate so there's that.

it was a good end to the day, and a good start to post-A's life.
okay gonna go to amore now, and i think today marks the start of my 30-day writing; shall do one tonight.

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