"Thanks for your interesting.
I don't know your size.
But, this detail size is right.
Please compare detail size.
Sorry for your inconvenience."
i genuinely feel that i fall into the average category for clothing size, probably a medium and sometimes a small, but seriously, my shoulder measurement is 6 centimeters beyond the maximum (XL) size and my chest measurement falls into a medium. WHEREVER THAT SELLER IS FROM (probably Korea cos' Singapore shops would probably have more 'normal' sizes) HAS ABNORMALLY SHAPED PEOPLE (think gaunt men with giant moobs) OR THEIR SIZE CHART HAS AN ERROR OR I JUST GOT ISSUES (which i doubt). he-she apologized for the inconvenience (in the wrong way or in a sarcastic one) but didn't solve it anyway. whatever, i'm just gonna get bloody M (rather than not getting anything) cos' 5.90 for a basic tee is a bargain and 17 for a shirt is below the average price of one. and i think it's pretty ridiculous how he-she doesn't know my size even when i gave my measurements. isn't he-she suppose to be selling clothing.
i think this short-film's lovely:
okay, i've been doing nothing since i came back and i feel guilty so i'm gonna go do some school-related stuff.
on my mind:
Melb., Aus.,
Why the victimized Animals in Animal farm didn't revolt other than them being stupid,
How bad my lit introductory paragraph is and that i should have reviewed it before submitting and now i got a 'ungrammatical!' for it,
Exercising (seriously, i feel like playing tennis/badminton/captain's ball)
Why the Coetzee readings are so long and repetitious,
CNY break,
Food &

which costs 40 EUROS so, forget it.
i don't know why but i feel irritated
i think this short-film's lovely:
okay, i've been doing nothing since i came back and i feel guilty so i'm gonna go do some school-related stuff.
on my mind:
Melb., Aus.,
Why the victimized Animals in Animal farm didn't revolt other than them being stupid,
How bad my lit introductory paragraph is and that i should have reviewed it before submitting and now i got a 'ungrammatical!' for it,
Exercising (seriously, i feel like playing tennis/badminton/captain's ball)
Why the Coetzee readings are so long and repetitious,
CNY break,
Food &
which costs 40 EUROS so, forget it.
i don't know why but i feel irritated