i didn't talk about my week last week, and come to think of it, i can't remember anything at all. Geoff Dyer was right when he said to keep a journal. actually i don't think anything exciting happened last week, other than saturday where i went out with Mich and Val. the japanese store at Ion's basement is so good.

the food looks so good right.
so, the week. starbucks with Sarah & Tuls after heats on Tuesday (where our class came in first, by the way) and it was great. met up with Z on friday and it was so gooddddd cos' we haven't met in ages. EwF, secret white wall and starbucks at the newly re-furbished one (that was decimate somewhere in December by the floods).
omg parkas look so good i want one. not that 1. it would suit me (i don't think it would) 2. i can wear it since it's blazing hot in Singapore and 3. people would stare and given my already insecure status i don't think i'd want that (not that people already don't think i'm already weird). actually i think i'm tall enough to wear one so it just depends on what my closet has (at the moment pretty much nothing. i need to shop.) and it might rain somedays where i can then happily retract the parka (but rain is unpredictable) and i'm already so hipster so i might as well go all the way. i want a beanie too if that's the case.

i want shirts like these but the world that is here never seems to have them. cotton on's have these strange looking flaps on the shoulders (which i suppose makes them cargo shirts, if there is such a thing). the other day (which was yesterday) i saw that the Springfield in Robinson's had decent and similar looking shirts but the material's fairly thick and i don't wanna perspire through them. and it's green. not really a fan of green nor do i think it's my colour. i'm more blue and grey, just sayin'. and then i saw 625 bucks Marc Jacobs shoes that looked really nice. and then i remembered that i'm not rich so yeah.
and the above would look nice with these:

FUCK. THEY ALL LOOK SO GOOD. i think allsaints is definitely my style. actually i pasted like 3/4 of the tees they sell, and the other 1/4 i can't be bothered cos' they all still look so nice anyway. allsaints' clothing are mostly in monochromes luh. so grunge. but nope. i will not spend 40 pounds on a tee-shirt. not anytime soon, that is. BUT STILL. SO FREAKING NICE.
i feel disappointed that we're not gonna have a HP marathon on monday. Ughhhhhhh :((((( major bummer but owell. raincheck.
i've been thinking a lot about me writing as a career lately, and i think 'fuck it, i'm just gonna do what i love'. if all goes awry i'd just hide out working in a magazine company while trying repeatedly to do what i love. and i've also been thinking that if i ever write (which would be novels or novellas, probably the latter cos' i would prefer reading short stories), my theme would be about love. cos' it's awesome. and actually if you think about it, almost every story has the theme of love in it. mine would just have love as the centerpiece. yeah. long thought. being in PR's not a bad hiding place either.
songs that tickle my pickle:
Two Door Cinema Club - What You Know
Dashboard Confessional - Blame It On The Changes (Acoustic)
Natalia Kills - Wonderland
Natalia Kills - Mirrors
Metric - all their songs.
FUCK. THEY ALL LOOK SO GOOD. i think allsaints is definitely my style. actually i pasted like 3/4 of the tees they sell, and the other 1/4 i can't be bothered cos' they all still look so nice anyway. allsaints' clothing are mostly in monochromes luh. so grunge. but nope. i will not spend 40 pounds on a tee-shirt. not anytime soon, that is. BUT STILL. SO FREAKING NICE.
i feel disappointed that we're not gonna have a HP marathon on monday. Ughhhhhhh :((((( major bummer but owell. raincheck.
i've been thinking a lot about me writing as a career lately, and i think 'fuck it, i'm just gonna do what i love'. if all goes awry i'd just hide out working in a magazine company while trying repeatedly to do what i love. and i've also been thinking that if i ever write (which would be novels or novellas, probably the latter cos' i would prefer reading short stories), my theme would be about love. cos' it's awesome. and actually if you think about it, almost every story has the theme of love in it. mine would just have love as the centerpiece. yeah. long thought. being in PR's not a bad hiding place either.
songs that tickle my pickle:
Two Door Cinema Club - What You Know
Dashboard Confessional - Blame It On The Changes (Acoustic)
Natalia Kills - Wonderland
Natalia Kills - Mirrors
Metric - all their songs.
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