Wednesday, May 25, 2011

where'd you go

do you think... that it's possible to be in love with two people at the same time? equally?

i don't get you. you love both of them?

is it selfish? i mean, of course it is. but listen first before you judge me. it's pretty hard to put this into words because it's love, and both of them give me different types of it... different types of affection. and i don't know why but i love it both, i like how happy and carefree they make me feel, and sometimes i don't even see how i'll be able to lose either of them. i know i'm being thoroughly self-absorbed but i can't help it. i feel as though losing any of them would tear half my heart out. i feel as though without either, life wouldn't be as wholesome and amazing as it is right now. i feel in bliss and i feel so, so fortunate to have these two individuals giving me their entire emotions... their entire hearts. and even though the guilt rips me apart sometimes, i just... i don't know okay?

look, it is true that you're being selfish for leading both of them on, and no one can deny that. but this is love, this is how complicated it gets, how it forces you to choose even if you don't want to. i think you'll have to sort your feelings out and decide which one you truly love.


p.s, i lied about not writing anymore about it.

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