Sunday, October 2, 2011

chaos, it enriches my mind

gonna quickly jot down my week before i head out cos' i know when i get back i'll be too busy with homework to log it in.

i can't really remember what happened during the week (i don't even think there was a highlight... sigh, my social life). barely went out -- actually i don't even think i went out. okay, i'll just talk about the things i can remember now, which are probably the only things worth remembering.

friday (yeah, the other days preceding were probably too dreadful to remember) was amazing because it was a month after my birthday and (gonna be listing now) Sars, Tuls, Lili, Kau, and Fari celebrated Larmy and my birthday! we were all too busy a month ago with the prelims and everything so yeah... a month's delay. 
okay, it's not exactly a celebration since we didn't go out to have a meal or anything (that's celebration to me) but they got an amazing, amazing, chocolate cake (from emicakes!) that was unbelievably moist. i only had a piece luh. wasn't feeling chocolatey and i had way too much junk along the week and everything.

they made me a gorgeous card (will post a picture another day) with their messages written on hello kitty stickers. DISCLAIMER: i like hello kitty cos' it's amazing she/he/it survived for such a long period and has become this icon for consumerism and everything but i'm not a hard-core fan. actually i like the message she/he/it represents more than her/him/it. yeah.
they also got me a mini hair-straightener (yet to try) and i guess that's just a step closer to complete self-obsession. really loved it. 

right after that was bitches b rollin' day with the Sars. watched Blue Valentine, it was awesome albeit slightly disappointing (especially the ending... god, the ending was kinda bad). the acting, direction, and set was so real without all the fanciful shit. now i have decided to pick up the ukelele and learn you always hurt the ones you love and serenade my future girl (or guy, whatever) with it. i know right, totally inappropriate lyrics but tremendously sweet. took a few photos with my blazer to decide what look i'm gonna go for in prom... which are here:

wonderfully pretentious right, baby i know. little do you know that i was in unglamorous home-shorts.  anyway. i'm thinking i'm definitely not gonna go too formal for prom because that's just lame and unsuitable for singapore's weather (not that a blazer is luh but hey) so i'm thinking a blazer with a tee/buttoned shirt (everyone says to go shirt but it's so freaking hot) with awesome black jeans (or maybe pants), and boots. i think it'd be rugged and awesome luh but then again, it may be too informal. i really wanna get a double necklace or a dreamcatcher necklace to go with the look instead of my key to make it look even more amazing. the blazer fits really well by the way. 

moving on, saturday was study-day and the Larmy came over. OH i made her a present (cos' our birthdays are a day apart and we decided to virgo-gift-exchange) which took me 4 hours (can you believe it). picture another day but yeah. Lilipoop and the Anne came over before we went to CS to get a bag cos' mine's terribly torn and the zips no longer... zip. wanted to get a pretentious dreamcatcher to hang on the bag but there weren't any. still, finally a new bag!

that's pretty much it for the week. i'm thinking of saving up for a topman rucksack (not a topman fan but i love their bags and shoes... i'm not going to use the word 'accessories') but larmy thinks i can get it at a cheaper price because it looks kinda cheap (it does, on hindsight). the asian spirit in me screams 'thrifty' so i think i will save and look around for a nicer and more inexpensive piece. i'm glad i no longer spend on games... but now i spend on clothes so i guess it sort of offsets my saving-spending.

okay i really have to leave now so there's that. my week, dear diary. HAHAHA. 

p.s, i'm incredibly attracted to people with high (even lofty) aspirations with intelligence. god, so sexy. i mean, of course i get annoyed if you're smarter than me (seriously, nobody wants to be the loser/dumb one in a relationship) so i would want to be better than you in some aspects or whatever. i'm so attracted to your intelligence that i think i'll add you in 'hi, i like you' when i write one again. AND NO ONE CAN SAY I'M SUPERFICIAL COS' HELLO, INTELLIGENCE EH. 

p.p.s, i am going to get a tripod and embrace my inner narcissism. but it also means awesome pictures with friends! heheheh

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