Sunday, November 13, 2011

if you're homesick


just some random pictures that caught my eye... which are all reblogged on my tumblr so i guess there really isn't any point to this. but yeah, proof of my existence on the blog. for some reason i've gone over to tumblr for my writing stuff but those are the more oh-i-have-fifteen-minutes-to-spare kind of writings and the better (hopefully) ones will still remain here. plus this blog is more about my life anyway.

anyhoo, i'd love to ramble about life and how insanely hectic it is right now given the A' levels and everything. it's agonising how everything starts this week but nothing ends as well. 

awesomely enough, everything will end next week! 12 more days and i'll be free, free as a (insert metaphor here). i am so fucking excited seriously i already have a list of things to do which i will list at the end of the post as much as i can till 9.

i probably won't be blogging till the end of the week (or even till the 25th, my last paper) so yeah, just a rando-update. 

things to do:

wardrobe refurbish; not like buy new stuff but reorganise it. it's gotten odiously messy since the beginning of the A's. clothes just come out and if not for my grandmother or part-time helper they would never go back in (not that i see a reason they need to but yeah)

prepare for prom; which involves a whole lot of other things.

intern (if i don't enlist early); hopefully for a magazine company. lifestyle, probably. August? MensFolio or Homme's not bad too though they're more on the fashion end. needa build up my portfolio as much as i can before enlisting.

write a fucking lot; to build up my portfolio and improve my writing skills. so yeah... after A's there'll (hopefully, again) be a barrage of writing, mostly proses cos' i'm focusing more on that now. tryna' deviate from poetry - while it is fun to write it, i'm just more of a prose person. maybe i'll do a 30-day challenge (for myself) where i have to write at least a poem and a prose everyday.

sleep; a whole lot. 12 hour sleep after my first paper. really.

go to the gym; my muscles are becoming fats and my fats are becoming rubber. need to tone up for prom, for NS, and for myself (vanity's sake plus health's sake heh). might go there everyday or every other day leading up to prom so yeah.

catch up with friends; seriously, i've been a recluse for ages even before the A's began. so yeah, i miss them so, so much!

okay it's 9. kbye, Auburn and Coetzee are demanding my attention. seriously i think lit students get too involved with their novels. the characters are like my friends now.

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